I fully realize the dangers of paddle boarding, particularly in open lake water, and fully assumes all risks of loss and damage associated with such paddle boarding including, by way of illustration and not limitation, the following: the dangers of
collision with commercial and/or recreational vessels, other paddlers, escort boats, etc; the dangers arising from equipment failure, inadequate safety equipment, weather conditions, etc.; the possibility of serious physical and/or mental trauma or injury, including death, associated with open lake paddle boarding. In consideration for the acceptance of this entry, I (we) the undersigned participants and/or parents or legal guardians, intending to be legally bound, do hereby for ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, waive, release, and forever discharge North Tahoe Paddle Events, Inc., the Organizers, and sponsors, for any and all damages which may be sustained or suffered by me in connection with, or entry in, the Ta-Hoe Nalu Paddle Festival as well as to hold harmless any and all damages to and/or from third parties.
The undersigned also acknowledges the fact that Organizers may publish photographs, digital images, videotape, or film of the Event to be used in connection with the production, promotion and/or advertising of this Event or a future Event. The undersigned hereby grants to the Organizer the right to use his/her likeness in the above production, promotion and advertising materials for all purposes and may be exhibited and re exhibited without limitation or liability.
In signing the foregoing release, the undersigned hereby acknowledges and represents that he/she has read the foregoing release, understands it, and signs it voluntarily and that he/she is of sound mind.
Once signed up for race there are No Refunds if you deciden not to compete.